VShred - Sr. US Design Work

SCULPTNation.com Homepage redesign

  • Created Homepage template & designed all sections below the header and above the footer.

Homepage -2.png


Redesigned subscription services section - to be placed on homepage and product pages. Improvements: focus on current selection to let user know which is selected, removed extra content that cluttered the image, placed in more intuitive order (was 1, 6, 3), and highlighted savings- per owner request.

Print Catalog Wireframe

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Internal Backoffice Wireframe for MENU BUILDER

Problem solved: Trainers needed a clean way to build menus for their clients. Currently they manually build PDFs. This option will allow them to decrease time spent on menu creation, as well as edit quicker to reduce edit times when a menu needs to be changed.


Skeleton Pages

Tablet - iPad Pro 11in - Password Reset - 2.png

Tablet Login to Back Office

UX Audit - MVP redesign

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Print Catalog Design
