UX Process


While it’s best to remain agile in the UX process, I find that most of my UX work follows a core pattern.


  1. Strategy / Discovery Stage - define what problem we are trying to solve

  2. Research + Analysis Stage - discover the best method for solving the problem for the user

  3. Conceptual Design Stage - put research, strategy, and analysis into action

  4. Production + Optimization Stage - launch and continuously improve



  • Edward Muncey, SVP of Digital - UFC

“After interviewing many candidates for the UX position over several months, Amanda was an obvious caliber above the others and she proved it time and time again. She took ownership of her role as if it was her own business and fulfilled the objectives well beyond my expectations. Amanda maintained a disciplined approach from beginning to end on all projects and pro-actively informed our team along the way with regular updates and encouraged in-depth discussion on findings. She initiated testing with customers through many methods to validate findings before presenting formal results while being cost conscious along the way and staying within budget. During many projects, obvious friction points in the user-path were discovered of which Amanda would point out; yet, help us establish priority levels in addressing them without disturbing the integrity of her projects. I felt Amanda had a special ability to identify the emotional cues of customers along the user-path that would either cause customers to consciously and sub-consciously continue down-the-path or pivot into a different direction. Amanda also felt very comfortable presenting her results to other Executives and team members in a formal setting which would always be accompanied by documentation, video, audio, and other methods she used to capture data, making it easy for me to make very informed decisions. “

  • Kylie Looper, Scrum Master - William Hill

“I worked directly with Amanda on all projects that came across my table at William Hill. From the moment I met her, her passion for UX outshined everything else. She was constantly fighting for the user, collaborating with the teams and working with myself to get the best experience possible in a very short deadline. When the project was complete, she did a full site/app audit and documented all UX issues and included wireframes that either weren’t implemented or new ones to solve the problems. She took the initiative to create a full brown bag presentation for our department, explaining what her job was, how she could help, when she should be involved and how they could collaborate together going forward. She also did research, which is her strongest asset, to help us understand why the user would prefer the flow one way over the other, what other companies were doing and how we could improve our product.”

  • Sara Mooney, Information Architecture Manager (Taxonomy) - Zappos

“I had the pleasure of working with Amanda for a year and a half at Zappos, collaborating on the taxonomy and item findability. She quickly learns complex processes and can explain them in a clear, succinct manner to others. Amanda places the customer first in her work, able to identify patterns from research, analytics, and user testing. In her work, she has the unique ability to include everyone and still keep things organized while handling multiple projects. I'd recommend her for any project that places users at its core, especially if it also includes otters!”