
Pillars of the Classic Maya: Palenque to Copan

Why this trip?

Mesoamerican history is filled with interesting tales. The Mayans, in particular, impress me with their attention to detail. Their mastery of mathematics and astronomy were noteworthy. Their written language and calendars illustrated intensely beautiful works of art. They were in-tune with nature and animals. And they continue to carry forth with them traditions that could not be eradicated with the Spanish goal of replacing “pagan” beliefs with the arrival of “my-way or highway” Catholicism.

Anyone who knows me knows my love of research. When it came to Mayan history, I couldn’t stop. After reading about a billion (no exaggeration) books on Mesoamerican history after a trip to the Yucatan, I stumbled across the Maya to Aztec: Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed Great Lecture with Dr. Edwin Barnhart. I quickly was drawn in and could not stop. BUT, I had so many questions.

Jorge, me, Boris, Dr. Powell, Marjorie, and Barbara in front of a replica of the Rosalila Temple, Museum, Copan

Jorge, me, Boris, Dr. Powell, Marjorie, and Barbara in front of a replica of the Rosalila Temple, Museum, Copan

48 lectures from the knowledgable Dr. Barnhart were not enough. I HAD to know more. SO, Jorge told me to email Dr. Barnhart and ask him some of the things that I was curious about! WHAT? I can’t do that. But I did, and the next morning I had answers to each question, and was given information on the Mayan Exploration Center, and given information on this AMAZING trip. I HAD TO GO! I needed to see the land, feel the air, and meet the people who live in these amazing places. It did some convincing to get Jorge to change his mind from an earlier vacation plan, but he did - and we went!

So that’s why I went on this trip, and if you’re interested in hearing more about this trip, be sure to read more of my Pillars of the Classic Maya blog posts.